Choir etiquette

International Chorale of Brussels ~ Etiquette for Choir Members


Choir singing is a team effort: here are some important guidelines for ICB choir members to follow 

Together we sing

Listen to the people around you, contribute to the best of your abilities, and blend your voice with others. 

Tips for when you’re not singing

Listen to the other voice(s) being rehearsed, think how that part fits with yours, go over your words, etc. 

Silence, please

Please don’t talk or use your phone (keep phone off if possible!) when other voices are rehearsing. 

Mind your posture

~ Singing while sitting down: sit up straight, on the edge of your seat, legs uncrossed, feet flat on the floor. 

~ Singing while standing: stand straight, shoulders back, hold your book up.

Be prepared

~ Bring a pencil to write notes in your score about dynamics, expression and other instructions/guidance.

~ Take note of dates for concerts, away-days etc. and add them to your calendar well in advance.

~ Please prepare regularly for rehearsals by going over the music at home, getting familiar with the words, and listening to and singing along with recordings.

Punctuality and seating

~ Try to arrive on time. 

~ Everyone wants to sit with his or her friends, but it’s important to sit with your voice part (e.g. 2nd sopranos etc.).

~ If you arrive late, take a seat quickly and quietly. You can move place during the break if necessary.


~ Choir singing is a commitment to the director and the other choir members. We value your voice so try to attend all rehearsals. On the other hand, if you’re ill you might want to stay at home! 

~ Missed a rehearsal? Find out what was covered and take a look at it yourself at home before the next rehearsal.

~ Try to let your section leader, Anna or John know if you have to miss a rehearsal, as it helps us to plan. 

~ Attendance is taken at every rehearsal. If you miss many rehearsals, or those just before the concert, you won’t be able to sing in the concert to a high enough standard and may be asked not to sing.

Mixed singing abilities

We don’t hold auditions in this choir - all voices and abilities are welcome. But if someone’s singing is really off-putting, please mention it discreetly to John.

Welcome, stranger

Please greet new choir members and make them feel welcome when they join, and at following rehearsals.  We pride ourselves on being one of the friendliest choirs in Brussels! 

Your choir needs you!

~ Have an idea for anything from concert venues to publicity? Suggestions/comments/ideas welcomed by John, Anna and your section leader. 

~ We often need help with chair set up, tickets, etc. during concerts, so please be available/willing to help if you can.



“I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m happy because I sing.” – William James